Sunday, 26 April 2009

Balik Kampung

      Lebih kurang...setengah hari tambah setengah hari berada di rumah Wan. Mula-mula set dalam kepala, balik hanya untuk suka-suka. Hehe..siapa tak nak berfoya-foya kan? Dalam sejam sampai, ada lori datang, bawa pasir, bawa batu bata. Malangnya tak muat nak masuk dalam halaman rumah (motor saja yang muat masuk-pintu pagar kecil), jadi lori tinggalkan saja pasir dan batu bata di halaman sekolah (rumah Wan betul-betul sebelah sekolah), dan kami-kami (termasuk seorang kanak-kanak berusia 3 tahun), kenalah mengangkat pasir dan batu bata tersebut ke halaman rumah. Malam tu, ramailah yang sakit-sakit badan.

       Tapi seronok juga. Melepak di batang nyor (yang dah pun ditebang), sambil makan mempelam muda ramai-ramai. Heh..kalau ramai lagi ahli keluarga ada, seronok juga. Ohh..Wan tak buat apa-apa. Baring atas katil tepi tingkap menjerit-jerit panggil anak cucu dia suruh tolong alihkan badannya, kalau-kalau dia nak mengiring menghadap ke ruang tamu, atau menghadap ke dinding, atau nak baring menelentang, ataupun kalau dia nak makan buah duku yang ada di sebelah katil. Bear kata, dia tak nak suapkan. Tapi selalunya nama dialah yang kena sebut. Hehe... 
Tapi macam biasalah, lebih kurang 10 kali Wan panggil, baru ada orang datang. 

Heh..malam tadi, mati kutu jugalah. Takde apa nak buat. Nak tengok kartun, ada orang tengah tengok bola. Nak lepak internet, laptop tak bawa. Nak dengar lagu, mp3 player pun tak bawa.

1 comment:

redhuans said...

Help us to spread the message

IMAM Cambodia Relief Mission 2009 would like to ask for your kindness to help us to spread the message of our fundraising. The message needs to be widely spread and it needs to get across the border in order for us gain as much funding as we can. We are calling for all bloggers to join hands to promote our good will of ‘Enlightening the hopes of Cambodia’. There are a few simple steps that you can do to help us promoting the good cause. Please kindly follow the step.

1. Please make a new entry of CRM09 Official Poster in your own personal blogs. You can copy the photobucket html here and make a new post regarding our Official poster: Please click

Then, copy the HTML code provided in the right side bar of the screen and paste it in your new post.

If the picture is too big for your blog scale, resize the poster to fit your blog perfectly.

2. Help us to put CRM09 Official Banner in the side bar of your blog and link the banner straight to our official site, http:/ Just open the link of our banner at this address

Then copy the Direct Link provided on the right side bar of the screen and put it up on your blog.

3. Then you can spread the message to your friend bloggers for them to hel us to spread the message as well. Just copy this text and paste it on their comments box.

Thank you so much for your effort in helping us to make the life of others in much of a better state. Our little effort will bring a huge impact on others. May God reward your deed in this life and in the Hereafter. Thank You.

For more info, please visit http:/