Monday, 30 November 2009

Teluk Anson

Matahari yang redup itu masih lagi memancarkan cahayanya.

Belum masanya waktu itu berhenti.

Gambar Kelas

Inilah satu-satunya bukti kewujudan aku di SHAH Pekan pada tahun 2003 dahulu.

Notice something?

What can I say. They don't like me.

Saturday, 28 November 2009


I'm home!!!

Akhirnya. Baru seminggu tinggal di rumah Wan, rasa macam dah berbulan-bulan. Sangat letih, sangat gelap, dan sangat panas. Memang sangat rindu rumah.

Rutin harian di sana, bangun, kemas rumah, sapu sampah, tolong Mak masak, mandi, makan dan melepak sampailah ke malam. Tidur awal pada mulanya, tapi lama-lama dah boleh tidur selewat 5 pagi, menghindarkan rasa berdebar-debar dan risau dengan salakan anjing yang tak henti-henti.

Ohooo.. semalam Dekli bercerita, dalam jam 3 pagi, dia ke dapur nak buat air teh, Wan memanggil minta dialihkan kedudukan (Wan dah lama tak boleh nak bergerak sendiri), Wan bertanyakan siapa yang baring dekat tangga, Pak Chu ke? Dekli rasa risau dah. Yalah, Pak Chu memang tak balik kampung lagi, dan memang tak ada sesiapa yang tidur di situ, kecut perut jugalah.

That house is spooky actually. Memang ada yang selalu singgah sekejap.

Anyway, happy to be home. And very happy for Kak Sue and Rais atas pernikahan mereka nanti. Sangat terkejut, dan teruja.

P/S : Still waiting for the sponsor's result.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Layan Lagu

Dengarlah insan satu cerita
Tentang duka dan pahit perjalanan
Tentang hina dan rapuh pertimbangan
Tentang penyerahan pada Tuhan.

Seorang gadis tersungkur di ranjang noda
Kerana asyik mengejar nikmat dunia
Demi lupanya pada Yang Kuasa
Di hujung kembara rasa berdosa.

Seorang pria terpesong dari kiblatnya
Tapi sepanjang hayat redha bertaqwa
Demi takutnya kepada Yang Kuasa
Menangislah ia sepanjang malam.

Mereka semua menghadap kiblat
Menadah tangan kudus air mata
Memohon pengampunan dariNya
Atas dosa sebagai manusia.


Sebenarnya, rasa macam nak menulis, tapi tak ada idea. Jadi letak saja lagu ni di sini.

Sangat risau tentang belajar ni. Dah lambat dah ni rasanya. Risau..risau.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

I Hate You

It is normal, when you meet someone that doesn't behave, and he/she is old enough to know what irritates or hurts people. It seems that he/she have no sense of responsibility, or pity to other human being.

We meet this kind of people almost everyday in our life. In the family, in the neighbourhood, on the road, in the work place, even on tv. So, how to handle this hate feeling when it comes to the maximum?

No idea. Everyone got their own way in handling things. For example, if we met some kind of 'samseng jalanan', what we can do is, just ignore them, jangan cari pasal.

If we saw someone that is very nasty or impolite, at least we can avoid from 'mengumpat'. We just got nothing other than sin. And if we are brave enough, advise him/her. Nothing will change if we just keep silent.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

My First Made-By-Myself Baju Kurung

Ini kain pemberian Mokcik, dan dijahit tanpa menggunakan mesin. Jadi, ini akan jadi baju raya aku nanti.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Pelita Hidup - Hijjaz

Hidup ini bagai pelita dinding,
Yang dinyalakan di malam hari,
Apabila minyak sudah kering,
Ia kan pasti padam sendiri.

Just want to remind me myself and everybody, whatever our religion is, whatever our belief is, this one thing is undeniable. We, all of us, one day, will die eventually.

I believe these words below are from Ali RA, roughly said :

If the hereafter is not exist, then both of us (the believers and the non-believers) are save. BUT, IF IT DOES EXIST, I will be save, and you'll go astray.

The question is, what did we do this day? Is today is an achievement, or another episode of our *unintended* mistakes?

May Allah help us and guide us to the right path.

Deleting Posts

Now, I deleted all the entries before. I know lots of them are inappropriate to write in here. So, just assume this is one new blog and you never read anything inside here before.

The concept is maybe still the same. A-la diary. Actually, I don't know what is okay to put in here. Personal experience, personal opinion,

I was having difficulties in understanding what my life is all about before. I was blaming all the bad things and habit that I picked up and learnt and experienced all these horrible 22 years of my life. Blaming others, and Allah's arrangements (even not directly), pretending that I am the victim. How.....arrogant!!

I hope this feel-good feeling will never end. Because, there is something that I am worrying about recently. I believe, I have shortage of memories. I mean, I easily forget things that I felt and said as early as yesterday. Well, not all things but a quarter of them. For example, I know I did chat with a friend yesterday, but I don't remember about what. We had a long chat, the topics might be random, and it was great, but I don't remember what.

No, I'm going senile!!

Well, another thing about yesterday, I had a long chat (too) with my parents. I was asked to follow them to Sungai Buluh. I will have a session, to cure me actually. It got something to do with the 'thing' that resides within me. And I was told that I am not normal and weird. I was sad at first, but to think, it's not just me who behaves like me. I know someone as I am. And not surprisingly, I feel attached to that person and we go well together. Maybe, it's just because of the differences of our personalities which make people think that we are not normal. (^_^)

Let me get this straight, if nothing change after this, I don't want to go to another session anymore.

Whatever happens, I feel great this morning. I hope it will always be, insyaAllah.