Monday, 29 March 2010

Anggap Saja Ini Omelan

Anggerik tak ada air lagi. Kalau esok lusa tak ada air juga, aku nak balik rumahlah. Itu pun kalau tak jadi BIG.

Semalam sempat balik sekejap, angkut barang. Balik dengan Abang.

Fikir punya fikir, mengenang usia yang makin meningkat, jiwa pun dah macam tornado, nak sangat-sangat berumahtangga. Kuat sangat perasaan ni sekarang. But the main problem is money. I did some work, researching about the cost to hold a wedding ceremony. Not a small amount of money, for sure. And that's the only way to slow me down.

As Abang said yesterday, when the time comes, it will be much easier for both of us. So I said to myself: stop worrying, and in the mean time, we can still do something, keep doing our daily job, collect money, try to be in good relation between my parents and his, and keep smiling.

Yes, when the time comes, it will be much easier than now.

Okay, stop about that.
I am doing my PKK presentation. About cognitive theories from Piaget, Vygotsky and Chomsky. So far, I already done for the first two. I still have no idea about what Chomsky did, there is none in the reference book talking about him or any of his theories. I need to search in the internet much further. Ahh, life is better without this kind of thing. Nahhh, problems help us to be more independent and turn us to be someone who is confident in facing the world.

Anyone wants to help?

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