Sunday, 23 January 2011


Everyone has something that he will work his a** off to get it. Everybody has the thing they are struggling to achieve. To sit down and sit all day long without having something to do, means that that person got something wrong with him.

Work shouldn't be avoided. If you have none, find one.

That's what I believe.

I've been struggling to be accepted. Yet I'm still not. Always I kept asking myself, asking God, why put me in trouble? Why should I do what I don't want to do? Why put me in such a devastating situation?

It was long before I realised, that everything is on my choice. Why regret such decision? Why being too weak at the beginning thus blaming everyone when things are out of control? Why not believing your own power?

Don't be ashame of yourself dear. Show your true colour. You'll be happy with your life. And if you are on a track that you don't really fancy being there, get out of it. If you can't, adapt yourself to walk on it. Nothing is easy and simple. But you have two choices; whether to work it out or just let yourself rot in despair.

Yet I am still asking. Why am I too old to realise this?

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