Wednesday, 17 June 2009

The Coming Weekend

Me is going to go to Pembrokeshire, with Izat and Aufa and another 2 postgraduate guys. Emma and Ila, will be going too, if Ila is not hesitate. We will rent a van. It's not really far, maybe around 2 to 3 hours drive, and will stay there for 3 days. There will be beaches, and crabs hunting, and visiting national park etc.

Lama tak main kamera ni. Yeah!! Among the last days in UK, kena ada kenangan terakhir.

Oh ya, got the job for the charity shop, and it's a volunteer job. No bother, just need things to do during this summer holiday.

I am selling my stuffs here, malas nak bawa balik banyak-banyak. My printer is sold, for £20. Quite cheap. I bought it around £25 - £30, and it's still new.
Banyak benda nak jual ni. Take less bulk thing home, easier to ship.

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