Wednesday, 10 June 2009

I Made A Cake

I was planning, last weekend, to make a fruit cake. So, today, when there's no one at home, got to the kitchen, dan mulalah buat. Frankly, I don't know how to make, I just know what is needed, but the amount, I have no idea about that.

So, I put half cup of butter, mixed it with a cup of granulated and brown sugar. After they mixed up, I add an egg. After that, add in a little vanilla essence and salt, a cup of plain flour, a cup of self-raising flour and a little bit of baking powder. Then I noticed the mixture is a bit hard, so I add more butter. And then add the raisins and nuts, and divide the mixture into two. One for chocolate flavour and the other one for coffee flavour. Pour into baking tray and then put it into the oven. I don't know what temperature should I use, so I kept changing the temperature, and after two hours (maybe three, or four), the cake cooked (not really, aku dah letih menunggu jadi hentam sajalah kononnya dah masak).

So when I cut the cake, pecah-pecah jadinya. Macam cookies. Kiranya, kek tu tak jadi. And, pahit. I don't know why. Aku semangat gila maa.. Sampai buat cream untuk topping. Tapi tak kisahlah. Kena sorok kek ni nampak gayanya. Takkanlah nak bagi orang makan kek pahit macam ni.
Tapi the colour cantiklah. Kalau tengok rupa memang lawa, sekali rasa macam apa tah. Next time, no more cakes!!
Huh... what a waste.

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