Monday, 31 May 2010

Freedom Flotilla

Aku baca di Al Jazeera tentang serangan daripada Israel kepada aktivis yang menyertai misi menghantar bantuan kemanusiaan kepada rakyat Palestin di Gaza, dan banyak sudah komen-komen malah group yang ditubuhkan membantah tindakan ini di Facebook. As such, Israel is well known for the 'excuses' claiming they are the victims. So, the excuse this time is they've been attacked by the activists with knives, clubs and fire. Even if they've been attacked with such things, should they killed the activists? No! Senjata api lawan pisau? Sungguh...... menipu.

Around 20 were killed, most of them are Turkish. InsyaAllah, syahid fi sabiliLlah.

Sampai bila kita nak diam diri? First of all, kita semua kena bersatu. There are lots of things need to be done, still, kita bergelumang dengan benda-benda remeh yang sia-sia.

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