Monday, 3 May 2010


Am not having a good day so far, maybe will change to be better later (aahhhh, need to make today better me-self). Woke up early after a long night of coughing. Sangat...... berat kepala.

I realised that I always have trouble with my throat and nose, ie coughing and sneezing. For more than a week. Agak tersiksa bila nak tidur batuk-batuk sampai perit tekak, berair hidung sampai lendir sekat salur pernafasan dan tekak, hidung gatal-gatal dan bersin.

Ija is away until Wednesday. Tak seronoknya duduk bilik sorang-sorang. But then, I got chance to sew baju kurung. Siap satu sebelum cuti ni pun jadilah. At least tak mengganggu dia. And one thing, need to read a lot. Exam dah dekat.



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