Sunday, 27 June 2010

Last Day Of The Holiday

I am waiting for Kecik to cry tomorrow!! Hehehe... surely I am going to miss her.

Well, many plans planned had not worked out. But everyday was like heaven. I rest enough. After this, it's time to work.

I told Abang, 'What if I bought you a motorcycle and let me borrow your car?' He just laughed. I know the answer will be no. And his sisters will talk a lot about that. I don't know why, I feel uncomfortable with his family, other than his mom. Well, I rarely talk, they too. It feels weird. But as long as they accept me as their family, everything is okay even if they don't really like me.

Angah will be come back to Semenanjung this coming July. And he'll stay at Bentong at once. Great!! I like having my family around. But I heard my mom saying he's applying to go to Lebanon. I was like, no way!! It will be cool. But he will not be here. And Dekli is going to go to Terengganu to find a job. I don't know whether than is a good thing or not. Finding a job is a good thing. But going far from home, is not something to be relaxed. Mom is not someone who can stay still when her children are an inch far away from her. That happens, a lot.

Well, just hope everything will be okay, everyone will get what they are working at, etc. Let's work it out!!

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