Friday, 11 June 2010

No One Is Perfect

Bila kecil, selalu fikir parents and adults are great because they know lots of things, everything. Tapi lama kelamaan, bila dah semakin besar, rasa macam memperlekehkan mereka, dalam segala aspek.

Sedih juga, bila check diri sendiri, banyaknya kekurangan diri. Dari segi solat, perangai, sikap; memang banyak cacat cela. Dan bila keadaan diri yang makin lama makin jauh dari asal, diri pun jadi makin tak stabil. Tends to do ridiculous things especially.

Yet, no one is perfect. Parents, always try to make sure they can answer all the questions asked. Not because they want to look good in front of their children. But just to satisfy they children.

And we as human being, tends to do mistakes. Intentionally or not.

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