Friday, 18 February 2011

Good Food

What is a good food actually? Many would say, healthy food, consists of right proportion suggested by the food pyramid, etc. But do we like to eat good food?

Me myself put taste to the upper level of choices. That is why I can finish a large bowl of strawberry triffle just by myself. Because I love the creamy texture of the cream and custard layer. Ahhhhh~~
Next is price. The cheaper, the more favourable. But usually cheaper food tastes like crap compared to expensive food. That's common sense though.

And how about cleanliness? That might be put at the lowest stage.

And how about you?

I learnt that Chinese food is healthier compared to Malay's. And yes, because they usually use herbs and like soup. Compared to Malay's, we tend to have flavourful and creamy taste of food. For example, Nasi Lemak. The sambal is hot, and the rice itself, is added with coconut milk, and ginger or pandan leaves for aroma and a bit of added flavour.

Funnily, I like curry the most. And I like it Indian style (maybe I have a bit of Indian's gene in me?). The strong taste of the spices are worthless, and having beriani at mamak's restaurant is something like heaven to me.

Right, what I want to say here is about health conscious. I've seen some of Jamie Oliver's food revolution, and somehow I am inspired to change myself. Being easily fall sick, and not having a strong body, makes me think, maybe I should change my eating style. Not to eat fried food is somehow impossible, but I narrowed the choices to just fried chicken once in a while. I am trying not to eat processed food too much, instant food (I haven't eat instant noodle for months now. Yeay!), and absolutely avoiding KFC or anything of the sort.

But I might not able to resist french fries. Well, maybe just once in a while.

And the most important, eat a lot of carbohidrate to get more energy. Jadi takde-lah nak pengsan-pengsan dah lepas ni. And if I do faint again, that is another health problem.

Living in the hostel is actually makes it difficult to eat healthily. The food sold at the cafes are not healthy enough, not clean enough, and if it is clean, not delicious enough. Plus, people mostly don't really care about cleanliness or healthy food.
To cook in the hostel is impossible. You can, illegally, but the choices again is limited. How can you cook good food with simple rice cooker?

I want to propose to allow students to cook. Right, it is all about safety. Ada mesin basuh pun jahanam sebab tak pandai nak guna betul-betul. Entahlah. Maybe for those who doesn't know how to use electrical appliances, just stay out of the way.

Ahhhhh, mata mula mengantuk. Itulah masalahnya kalau makan malam-malam. Kerja tak buat apa pun lagi.

Ok chow!

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