Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Last Week Of The Holiday

I'm confused, should I be happy or sad about that. Well, I really love staying at home. But staying at home without having a job to do, that's boring. So, I am excited to have something to do ie new semester but leaving home? Not so great, but still am excited. So, I really wish I will get married at the final year of my degree so I can stay at home (well, husband's home is yours too right?) and have some other commitment to do other than as a wife. Fuhh... sounds cool! Even I'm kind of hate it, I have to admit my way now is somehow a bit like an adult even if I'm not really fully 'transformed' into one.

Mak just now said something about my age, and when I heard that, I told her that I feel old when she spoke out the numbers. Oh, well. One might never think I'm that old. Don't worry. You are still young.

Anyway, Mak and Abah are going to Senawang (ke Seremban eh?) this Saturday for my cousin's engagement. My cousin's father asked Abah to be his spokesman for the engagement. At first, they want my parents to go with their car. But then Mak complained that she will not be comfortable to sit for hours 'politely' in the car, so she urged Abah to go with their own car. And hey, Kecik and me is going too! And I heard that Pak Jang wants to go too, and Pak Ngah, and I bet Mok Cik wants to go too (who wants to be left out?). I don't know. Having a big family is sure a nice thing.

And the most reason I want to go is because Mak said she wants to go to Nilai and of course I wont let go the opportunity to go shopping. Yes, shopping is the reason. Yay!!

And guess what, I'm reading!! I attempted to read this book several times. And it never succeeded. The title is Muqaddimah by Ibn Khaldun, translated one though, and I'm sure most of us know this book because it was mentioned when we learnt about the definition of civilization in History subject in Form 4. So, that is the very book I am trying to read. Wish me luck.

I just realized what I did this holiday. I am having my usual weird schedule. I sleep at 7 in the morning, I woke up around 3 pm, and stay awake until 7 am the next day. I made very small amount of bracelet, I ate, downloading songs, watch tv (especially Oprah and Top Chef), and sewing.

I almost finish sewing my baju kurung for the coming Eid, repairing over-sized baju kurung Mak and Mok Cik gave me (finished 3 still got 2 pairs to repair), and now am sewing Kecik's.

I browsed over some outfits, and was badly want to sew them. Pretty sad I am not that skillful. Someday, I might be able to. Practice makes perfect kan?

So it is Wednesday morning already. Good morning!

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