Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Antara Tahu dan Ingkar

Kita tahu banyak hukum agama. Kita belajar dan faham. Malah mampu menyenaraikan dalil-dalil berkenaan sesuatu hukum.

Ini entry khusus, untuk rakan-rakan. Janganlah menari di hadapan khalayak ramai iaitu di hadapan lelaki.

Alasannya, aurat itu turut merangkumi memelihara lenggok badan. Tak kiralah akan ada yang tertawan atau tidak. Yang penting kita jaga.

Kalau benar kita seorang wanita Muslim, jagalah.


Allure said...


Anonymous said...

this msg dedicated to?????????

Hafiz Ismail said...

anyone dear.bukan untuk kali ini juga, tapi akan datang juga.not just because of dancing only, singing, appearance, all of the things concern.

Anonymous said...

tp cmnne yg g kua dua2 laki pmpn nek kete..? ia same dgn antara tahu dan ingkar jgk...

Hafiz Ismail said...

yep.setuju.that's my weakness,my mistake.i admit it.

Anonymous said...

bkn ni cra tok menegur rkn...ckp berdepn..kalo tulis entry cm ni..dia kn menimbulkn pelbagai situasi krg bek...slh fhm...i'm juz givin my opinion...we as a muslim can gv advices...but telling the others bout people mistakes...n not juz by pointing people without look our mistakes first...

Hafiz Ismail said...

i know my mistakes and working towards to correct takes lots of effort to do all, in just less than a year. if you don't know me, I was not a person you know since a year ago. but insyaAllah I'll try to change and am working to change.
my way might not be right, so that's one of my weakness, my mistake again. so forgive me for my rudeness.
again, i'm looking forward for your advices. i really appreciate them,because i know when someone tell me about my bad behaviour, they are looking at me, and care about me.

thank you.