Tuesday, 12 October 2010


Nak earphone baru....yang senang dibawa merata-rata instead of this huge headphone. But I don't like both; earphone menyakitkan lubang telinga, headphone menyakitkan cuping telinga. Dah asyik sangat pakai, mana tak sakit. But the best way to listen to music is by using earphone. Sebab akan dengar segala benda. I'm kind of like to listen pada satu-satu bahagian at a time. For example, mula-mula dengar vokal, next instruments which usually are lead guitar, drum, bass, rhythm, and any additional ones. Speakers are used bila nak berparteyyy sahaja. Haha...

Anyway, dah agak lama tak post lagu and lyrics in here. Sebab utamanya ialah aku dah lama juga tak dengar lagu sebenarnya. I just updated my mp4 player last week yang sebenarnya dah lama tak berusik. Sekarang nak cari lagu pun dah malas. So far, I got the ones that I love. This time I just listen to those I like, and put aside all the albums and black metal ones. Okay, I really need to stop. People might say, tak elok dengar lagu black metal ni, etc. I don't really care because I like them, but to the matter of facts, I have to accept that opinion.

Okay, I hate this evening's exam question. It was about studying overseas, did badly in exams, graduating. Warrrrgggghhhhhhhhh!!!!! I know I did badly in my study before, very badly. Rasa macam, memang nak putar balik masa so that I will be already finish studying, dan boleh kerja dah dan boleh nak expecting anak dah tahun depan. But really, I can't. And dah tersurat pun I will be here. Both ways are good, but here is the best. So, terima kenyataan dude!! Now, even my juniors dah pun di tahun akhir, and I just started. Bersabar sajalah. The days will come. Another 3 years to go, bukannya lama sangat lagi.

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