Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Datang Dan Pergi..... Sesuka Hati.....

Baru ada tenaga untuk berfikir. I spent this whole day sleeping. I was not feeling well. I even brought my blanket to class because it was cold and my whole body was shivering. I didn't even do a thing for the convocation. I want to help, at least something, but I don't think I'm able to. And adding up to the sickness, we got another assignment to be done, ELP, which is basically English, and need to be submitted next Monday after a test, a final test for the ELP course. And at the same day, we need to present our work, Literasi Bahasa, so that the lecturer can chose the best three to be included in an exhibition on 19th (or maybe 17th, tak ingatlah).

I believe everyone is in a mess right now. Just imagine, you are busy with the convo's preparation, and suddenly you got an assignment which the due date is next week. I just thought, 'How cruel the lecturers can be actually?'

Okay, that's for others. For me, in my group, there are two people who are not well, me and Kimah. Nasrul is too busy. Everybody in the JPP is busy. Sya is also busy, as one of the committee members of the surau. Usually, the most not-busy-person is only me. But with me lying down 24/7 like this, I can't be as effective as I usually am.

Abang burst out just now; aku mengomel tak nak belajar dah, tak nak duduk sini dah. He said, 'Tahu tak berapa ramai orang yang nak belajar tapi tak dapat peluang?'. I replied that I'm in stress, told him all the problems as I mentioned above, but he didn't reply back. Okay, biar lantak.

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