to take the test. And below is my result.

Obviously I am kind of intrapersonal, which means, I'm good with myself. I have clear vision of what I want to be, what I want to achieve and good with self-reflection. Well, that's according to the theory.
I don't think I am a kinaesthetic person, because I am a very weak person, physically. Maybe I tick the answer wrongly. Who knows.
Next is about visual/spatial. I'm good in imagining things, day dreaming; that's in daily life. What about learning? I easily draw conclusion by looking at diagram (usually in experiments, which actually pissed off some of my mates because I don't read the instruction thoroughly and kept whining about how late they read :D).
After that, is linguistic. Of course I am, if not, how can I write so many entries in a day? Well, that includes intrapersonal too, but I can write, can't I?
And last but not least, music smart. Emm, I can't compose a song, I can't play any music instruments, but I am good in distinguishing what musical instruments are used in a piece of music, well, usually.
What about the others?
I'm not really into nature, but I love being in nature. I mean, look at a wide green field, everyone loves it. The soothing colour and the smell of fresh air.
About logical, I'm not really like puzzles. I actually hate it because I have to use my brain too much, but I love maths. And I never got so much satisfaction in studying other than solving complex mathematical problem. Hehe...
And lastly, I am very poor in public. I rarely talk, I like to think about something else when I'm in public, prefer to do something on my own, and really, bad in communication.
So, that's mine. Would like to try too?
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