Sunday, 21 November 2010

In Bed For Hours

I was not well this morning, got terrible headache, and decided not to help my parents at someone's walimah. I can see Mak was tired making the cendol, but I can't help it, I might easily faint at that moment. But, I didn't tell them whenever I am sick, don't want to worry them much. I am always sick, but better to keep it to myself than making such racket.

So, I was in bed for about half a day, and still don't get out of it now. Everybody is downstairs and watching tv.
I used to be like this before. Not joining them, socializing with my own family members. I tend to keep myself in my room, pretending I wasn't at home. But things change now. Even if I hate watching the drama they are watching (which mostly are Indonesian sinetron), but I still let myself amongst them, and do my own work, which currently is sewing.

Several days back, I was at rumah Wan. One of my aunts' husband told me, 'Kak Long dulu ceria je. Sekarang ni pendiam sangat.' Well, that was around 15 years before. Anyone around 5 - 10 is cheery, talks a lot etc. Beside, he wasn't here when I confronted with lots of conflicts which change me to what I am now. So, I just said 'Takkanlah sekarang ni nak huha!huha! macam budak-budak lagi kot....'. By the way, he always said that I look like 13 - 14 years old, and is not satisfied when he remembers my actual age. Hehe...

Anyway, this is the first week at home since the first day of the holiday. Ada banyak lagi masa untuk buat kerja. And I forgot that I need to make kertas kerja for BIG. I just got my pendrive last Sunday, two days before the holiday and I just opened it some day before to put songs in it. Sangat gila okay. I hope my BIG grade will be pass, and I'll pass up the kertas kerja early next sem.

Okay, nak turun makan. Aku dah seharian tak makan ni. Lapo!!

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