Monday 11 October 2010


Sangat panas sekarang ini. Plus dengan pinggang yang agak sakit. I don't know why. Any planning to do anything will be in fail; this heat kills the spirit.

I want to write, but got nothing to say. I've made an essay since 2 days ago, and just finished it this morning. Well, I started writing the essay back this morning dan pakai goreng saja. Seriously, it was then so easy to write one. There were so many ideas before, but just recently, I feel blank.

Nak cuci mata kat Amazonlah. Nak ikut? Jom!!! Semalam I nak shopping sakan tapi kepala pusing. And Cik Abang dah melepak luar kedai. Hehe.............

Next time ye dear, I nak kasut baru, and some shorts and tops.

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